

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A different perspective

I've posted before about my feelings toward the jackboots coming for me. I don't plan, nor wish, to be a martyr, but I also will not willingly leave my home or bow down to martial law. And I make no claim otherwise.
I loudly proclaim my love of my country, and of my government. At least to the point where government follows the Constitution. Properly managed, with checks and balances, I believe there is no better form of government in the world.
But when the PTB cease to acknowledge my rights or persecutes me for personally held beliefs, I will not passively stand by and let injustices against civil rights be perpetrated.

On the other hand....

Does it avail me and my family to declare this? Probably not. But having done so, I will not recant and bend a knee to any other man. I don't give a rats ass whether that person be in uniform, or president, or thinks himself king.

But.... I have to admit, the article I read over at the Daily Sheeple did get me thinking*. And although I personally would rather die than be subjugated, I can understand the attitude of subversive thought as resistance that the article articulates. Fighting from within the system.

 Resistance takes many forms, and by not letting them con you into thinking they are there for your benefit you are by definition resisting. By surviving and thriving you are resisting. By living to fight another day, you are resisting. They may be able to control your surroundings, but by not letting them control your mind and actions, you are resisting. By disconnecting as far as possible from the system, you are resisting and by caching weapons and ammunition for future use, you are resisting. Many thousands of people will be resisting just like you are, knowing where at least some of them are before an event will make it far easier to hook up with them at a later date. Having the support of like minded individuals should not be underestimated, and knowing that you are not in a position to get to them, or for them to get to you should not deter you from making contact and keeping in touch now, while you still can.
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple - See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/surviving-martial-law_022014#sthash.RWJvMUYY.dpuf

Would I bend a knee to save my wife or children? Do I hold my belief in freedom higher than my concern for the welfare of my family? Would I wish them to live if it meant groveling at the foot of Authority? I honestly don't know how to answer these questions. The strongest among us have our weaknesses. Be that family, lack of belief, or even hubris. I want to shout out a resounding defiance. I hope to. But its a hard question to ask how much you are willing to harm those you love to save those you love.
Or how much you are willing to give up, for a chance to get ahead.  How much of my own defiance is hubris? When I'm out of ammo, and they are kicking in my door, will I grab steel and charge? or hit my knees with my hands on my head, knowing the futility of continuing a fight I cannot win?

Fuck it. Better to die free than to live chained! And when I get to hell, at least I'll have done my best to take as many of the bastards who would stand against freedom as I could with me!

See ya there, friends!

(oh, and fuck obama!)

*I said it got me thinking. I never said it changed my mind!

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