

Thursday, December 12, 2013

You HAD your shower this week!

What? You're using YOUR water? You don't own no stinkin' water!

Not if that asshat in the Whitehouse and the EPA pass rules and regs on water on 'your' land.

You know, the land you only rent from the gubmint in the first place...

That’s right; Obama and the EPA want to put forth strict guidelines and restrictions starting this Fall. His executive agencies are in charge of putting together 134 regulations through the Environmental Protection Agency alone. The main reason for these restrictions is because Obama wants to limit carbon dioxide emissions on private properties. That’s his major concern.

So your present from the Power Grabber in Chief is restrictions on your own water; which will put new restrictions on “the waters of the U.S.” The Clean Water Act restrictions will greatly affect water on your own land as well. So if you have a public lake or stream on your property, expect to be told what to do by the Obama administration. Because after all, he can’t trust you to use it wisely.
“The EPA’s draft water rule is a massive power grab of private property across the U.S. This could be the largest expansion of EPA regulatory authority ever,” Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith. “If the draft rule is approved, it would allow the EPA to regulate virtually every body of water in the United States, including private and public lakes, ponds and streams.”
The EPA loves these new rules, saying it’s necessary to protect water quality. Oh please. Most people are smart enough to keep ponds and streams clean and safe on their own property. (more HERE)
Ya know what? I will gladly give that dipshit all the water I have. I'll even pour it in his face if he'd like. Just as soon as I purify it of course. Urine comes out sterile, right?

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