

Friday, December 20, 2013

PC Nazis. Hell of a way to start yer morning.

I just got up. Figured I'd have my coffee, read my emails, check out some bloggers, maybe post something that pisses some people off, and call it a day; you know, the usual. SSDD.

The first thing in my email was an article about good ol' Rush Limbaugh saying how the treatment of Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame was "going to be a pivotal moment" when Phil was removed for saying he don't understand queers. Maybe it was faggots, I'm not sure. But I somehow don't see the liberal morons of today's society saying that THIS is the straw that broke the mold. Or however that saying goes...

There are so many OTHER issues those slimey bastards get to bitch about, I just don't see MSM making a big deal out of one backwoods country hick, no matter how popular he is. America let Paula Dean get fucked over saying nigger TWENTY YEARS ago. Think all of these current beiberites are gonna give a shit about a Louisiana duck hunter?

I got absolutely nothing against dykes or homos. I like the visual image that comes into my head over two gals getting  it together as much as I like the fact that if some guy is fucking his boyfriend, it leaves more gals for the rest of us.

I think women are not equal to men. Anymore than a carrot is equal to a peach. (see the sexy vegetable/fruit innuendo there?). Each has its own merits and downfalls, but in an emergency, either one can step up and nourish you.

I don't care if your a wop, kike, jew, nigger, spic, cracker, chink, gook, mick, raghead, limey, homo, fag, queer, lezbo, geek, with a nerd complex. And zits.

Where your ANCESTORS came from doesn't matter to me any more than who you screw. I'm not Christian, but see nothing wrong with posting the ten commandments on the courthouse lawn. I call ships 'she' and use the term mail'man'. Some people are fat. Some people are ugly. And some people are just plain fucking stupid.

I am an opinionated, crotchety, vulgar, sexist, stubborn son of a bitch. And I have the RIGHT to be so!

Even if it DIDN'T say so in the Constitution, and I'm a freedom loving god-fearing son of the Republic that happens to believe in that discolored piece of American heritage, I'd still believe in your right to be who you want to be. As long as you give me the same courtesy.

This is MY country. But I'm willing to share. I don't have to feel the same as you, or believe in what you believe. But keep in mind I'll do whatever it takes to defend my right to say so. And your right to disagree with me as well.

But if you MUST feel the need to disagree with me, please do so in the privacy of your own home, and wash your hands when your done!

Thank you.

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