

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dumbass bitches

What's up with these fucking bitches in government who want to take away our Constitutional, inalienable rights, but use the same document to cover their own ass?
First we had Lois Lerner using the CIA to fuck with Patriots, then using the fifth amendment to keep her ass out of jail.
Now we have the biggest fucking hypocrite of them all, Feinstein, who wants to "interpret" the second amendment to take our guns away, then gets bent out of shape when her fourth amendment rights are infringed upon. Wake up bitch, you don't get to choose which amendments to adhere to.

And of course, fucking Hillary Clinton does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. After all, at this point, what does it matter?

The whole fucking government is so out of control, the best option is to fire them all, and start over. Start term limits on Senators and Representatives, and just fucking get rid of Hillary and Obama altogether.

Fuck obama. And all the rest of 'em!

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