

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

president Obummers speech

I don't see the need to link the actual video here, let me give it to you almost verbatim:

My fellow Americans. (personally, I find it insulting to be grouped in ANY category with this fuck.)

Bullshit, bullshit, crap, lies, fuck Republicans, lies, more lies.  Phony scandals. bullshit, more crap, Make this country as sound as Detroit, lies, innuendos, I'm black. Whitey is the root of all evil. Scandal, outrageous, blame Bush, lies, even more lies, some basic truths that don't actually exist in my mind. Hate, corruption. Stupid ass cracka, etc, etc, etc, ad infinite ad nauseum......

(repeat as necessary until full length of speech has been reached.....)

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