

Monday, August 26, 2013

Raymond E. Feist

I am an avid reader of scifi and fantasy, among others, and Raymond E. Feist is one of my favorite authors.

The book I'm currently reading, 'A Kingdom Besieged' has a passage that caught my eye, because its as applicable to America today as it is to the characters in the book.

"How the truth is seen often defines the truth" observed Henry. "If he is feared for power, how much power he truly has to wield is immaterial, for the fear is still real. (sic)"

Interestingly enough, this book was published in 2011. With obama in Office. So my quandary, in relation to the above is: From where does he get his current seemingly endless power, and is it through our fear?

Again, this is a very accomplished writer, and I have posted a link to purchase this book for you here.
Promoting this series is the least I can do for quoting that statement.

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