

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

There's just so much wrong here

My post from yesterday about some punk playing on his iphone while laying with his feet up on a sofa included a picture of this miscreant. And I got to thinking about how and why this guy had me literally ready to go total bat shit crazy.
That ONE picture had so many things wrong in it.

A punk kid in the middle of a summer day lounging inside. With his fucking dirty ass shoes up on the couch. Not out enjoying the beautiful  weather, but INSIDE.

Not only just lounging, but playing on a cellphone that most likely would cost me two weeks pay, and since he's farting around with nothing else to do, I seriously doubt he has a job. You know, to actually EARN the money for that phone.

Not only on his cellphone, but in the LIBRARY! You know, that building that had all those BOOKS?

And not JUST books, but books on history, and struggle, and tales of people who have given their very lives so others can be free.

And not just those, but books on PROPER  parenting, and etiquette, and laws. Books on how to behave in a polite society, and perpetuate these societies.

I didn't walk over and knock the phone out of his hand and kick his dirty ass off the couch, even though that was my first inclination. Probably BECAUSE I was raised better than he obviously was. Although I admit I desperately WANTED to. And offered to bring to his attention the error of his ways, even though my offer was declined.

I was ANGRY.
THIS is not how children should be raised. Angry at him. Angry at his parents. Even angry with the library personnel who put up with this shit, and I genuinely like these old school marm ladies.

I didn't even THINK about the sharp edged tool on my belt, or in my pocket, or hanging from a lanyard around my neck as a deterrent to stop his rude behavior. Nor would I have pulled a gun had I been carrying.

That's not how I was RAISED to treat these tools. And maybe that's why that guy bothered me so much. HE represents so much that IS wrong in our country.

Selfishness. Lack of empathy. Self-centeredness. And the total disregard for ANYTHING other than ourselves being instilled in our anti-social upcoming generations.

Oh. And let me close with one of my favorite lines from "Lonesome Dove" by Cap'n Call after he beats the shit out of some asshole who desperately deserved it, then noticed folks watching him:

"I can't abide rudeness in a man."

Seems about right...

1 comment:

taminator013 said...

Amen to that, brother..........