

Sunday, September 29, 2013

"EPA" the Environmental Propaganda Agency

Quite a few, let's call them Off-Gridders, as Prepper or Survivalist sound so negative, use wood stoves to heat and often to cook on in their self-sufficient homes. And that's a problem. You see, if you don't have one of the 'new and improved' woodstoves approved by the EPA, you could be in violation of guidelines set forth on how much your current stove 'pollutes'.

Let's face it, this isn't a 'save the planet' movement. This is a drive by Big Business to get their product approved and force us to bow to their whims. The EPA exists to fatten their own pockets like every other department of Big Government and control the sheeple who could otherwise depend on their own resources to survive in our modern Nanny State country. This is the same agency that 'increased' the acceptable amount of radiation in your food after the Fukishima Incident in Japan's radiation hit California.

Here is the information right from the EPA:
Enclosed is the list of wood stoves certified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA Certified Wood Stoveslist contains information about wood stoves or wood heating appliances that have been certified by the EPA along with its manufacturer name, model name, emission rate (g/hr), heat output (btu/hr), efficiency (actual measured and estimated), and type of appliance. It also indicates whether the appliance is still being manufactured. An EPA certified wood stove or wood heating appliance has been independently tested by an accredited laboratory to determine whether it meets the particulate emissions limit of 7.5* grams per hour for noncatalytic wood stoves and 4.1* grams per hour for catalytic wood stoves. All wood heating appliances that are offered for sale in the United States are subject to the New Source Performance Standard for New Residential Wood Heaters under the Clean Air Act and are required to meet these emission limits. An EPA certified wood stove can be identified by a temporary paper label attached to the front of the wood stove and a permanent metal label affixed to the back or side of the wood stove.
See the EPA’s list of acceptable woodstoves HERE. (It's eighteen pages long, and arranged first by manufacturer. The actual emission rate is listed third and has no real bearing on the order. One putting out 0.6 grams per hour is just as acceptable as one putting out a total of 7.0 G/ph.
If the issue here is environmental, wouldn't it make more sense to list by G/ph emmison?)

One of the easiest ways for the government to force this issue is through homeowner’s insurance policies. If you have a mortgage, you have absolutely no option but to carry homeowner’s insurance. Even if you own you homestead outright, most people consider insuring their homes and property to be a vital safety net. When your policy comes up for annual renewal, the insurance company can require an inspection of your home. At that time, compliance can easily be forced by either charging insanely high rates or through the cancellation of the policies of those who have “outdated” woodstoves.

(Comments in red added by yours truly.)
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/the-epa-takes-an-ax-to-self-sufficiency-most-woodburning-stoves-will-soon-be-illegal-09282013#sthash.wW1L1WFC.dpuf

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