

Friday, December 6, 2013

Hey! Those damn Ruskies are abusing MedicAid!

Yep, that's right. According to this newsflash from CNN 25 Russian Diplomats and 24 diplomat wives defrauded Medicaid by claiming false income amounts. While riding around in helicopters wearing Tiffany's jewelry.

Medicaid apparently paid for 63 births to the tune of 1.5 million dollars.


Its not like the US Gooberment doesn't waste that much on important shit like presidential vacations, or spend a much larger factor than that on thousands of welfare mothers each DAY. More kids equals more money, I think I'll go get laid...Yo! Sistah, can you watch mah brats whilst I goes git preggint?

Or folks like the bitch in Texas* (sorry Angel) who take pride in the fact they have no pride, and would rather be taken care of by the nanny state than actually, oh, I don't know...WORK for a living!

*(The post author in no way means to imply that Texas bums are any more numerous, or worse, than every other state's bums. Bitch just happens to be in the mainstream news at the moment.)

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