

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Time to wax poetic....

Which means I haven't had a good rant in awhile.

How much of my problems with the government have come from running this blog? Who knows? (besides the NSA of course....)

Somehow, I owe the federal government over five thousand dollars, although I've made barely above minimum wage for the last 7 years, and the last 14 months have not worked at all. I owe the State over a thousand. And I sure haven't seen much of a return on my 'investment' in that time.....

I have been disabled for well over a year, and gone to court and had the judge agree that I AM disabled. Along with my surgeons recommendation that I be considered unsafe for ANY type of employment. And though it has been over two months since I was declared by a judge to be incapacitated, I have yet to see a subsistence check...And yes, I DO think I am entitled. I paid for four decades INTO social security, including serving my country, and am now unable to work. You think I'm milking the system?
And if my Uncle Sam thinks I'm EVER going to file another 1040, its crazier than I am. 1. They're only going to take anything they say THEY owe ME, and 2. I unequivocally refuse to support a government that has gone rogue.
Even if I was assured of getting a return, I wouldn't file. Taking money from the government, that produces NOTHING but debt only exacerbates the problem. I'm more than willing to leave them alone if they leave me alone.
I plan to eventually buy some property. I'll pay my property tax; that's used to keep the roads clear and our children indoctrinated. But I will give the Federal goons NOTHING further until the checks and balances and the 2nd amendment are restored as dictated by the Constitution of the United States.
God rest her soul.
Molon Labe

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