

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Why I post 'Politically INcorrect'

Because of the total fucking idiocy of those who are SOOOOO politically CORRECT, they are turning our youth into automatons who are required to blindly follow the dictates of those in power rather than show imagination or innovation.

From Personal Liberty:

 Principal John Horton contacted Ms. Jones soon thereafter in order to inform her that Johnny’s behavior was a serious offense that could result in expulsion under the school’s weapons policy. Horton characterized Johnny’s transgression as “making a threat” to another student using a “replica or representation of a firearm” through the use of an imaginary bow and arrow. (emphasis mine)

Weapon, sure. Firearm? I don't THINK so....Maybe someone ought to show this stupid fuck the difference between an IMAGINARY weapon, and a real one, and between a bow and arrow and a FIREARM...by using HIM as the target!

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