

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Skaa are slaves

That's all I really know at this point. I just started reading the book "Mistborn" by Brandon Sanderson, and so far (not very far at all), the Skaa have been working the fields between beatings, and at the end of the day, when they are all in their communal hovel cooking their meagre food into a semblance of soup, a 'traveller' shows up. One who, incidentally, has stolen food from the 'master's' pantry and gives it to the Skaa.

This traveller is trying to foment a revolutionary mindset in the Skaa, and one, an old man, tells the traveller that at his advanced age, he's learned to choose his battles.

So the traveller asks him if he is so content then with a life full of beatings and endless drudgery.

The man replies it's at least a life. Besides, is this a battle they can actually win?

The reply to the old man's query struck me as very profound and applicable to our circumstances:

"You're fighting it already. You're just losing horribly."

With obummer our overlord and master, we have been fighting a rearguard action for quite some time. Maybe its time we stopped fooling ourselves that we are in anything less than a war for America against our own communist rulers.

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