

Sunday, December 8, 2013

it's 1:06

No one is leading the revolt, so I got no one to follow.

Communist-In-Chief I assume is already in bed, sleeping like royalty.

I've either had enough, or not enough, to drink; depends on your perspective, and have had enough of the fucking Glenn Becks, Bill Whittles, and every other major persona on the internet, who won't stand up and say 'here we go, follow me', that I might as well give in and suck obummer's dick like every other "good" little american (small 'a') out there.

Anyone else out there fed up? Then damnit, let's DO something. Fuck it. I'm not afraid to stand, but I sure as hell know that standing alone does no good.

I'm not a leader. I know and accept that. But I WILL stand up and be heard with those who have the cojones I don't.

I ain't bullet proof, but I ain't bullet skeered either.

Fuck it. I'm going to bed. But if I hear Paul riding by yelling the British are coming, I'll be right behind him as soon as I pull my pants on....

1 comment:

lineman said...

Amen Brother....You and me both...