

Monday, December 2, 2013

I withdraw my consent.

This excerpt from Western Rifle Shooters Association

Some contend the republic was flawed from the start. As soon as it began it ceased to be a republic. Well you know what, if so, then it was illegitimate only because people who abused others liberty acted illegitimately. What is the crux of what happened because of a plurality is Liberty lived. And I care not what but that today I am a freeman because of a plurality. I do not give consent to the illegitimate. It is My preference to determine my life, what I believe in, whom/what I give My consent to. Killing me because I refuse consent means I lived, and die a freeman. That is Liberty. That is preference. It is upstream of everything but my faith in God.

What about The III%?
Can the regime of those running things, in order to hold onto power, kill nine and a half million people who withdraw their consent?

 Can they kill 3% of the people?
Lets be conservative.
Lets take 3% of the 3 percent:

– 3%
= 285,000

A bit over a quarter of a million American’s, who lets say, are die hard never give up, fight to the last bullet, tooth and nail, to the last man, “give me Liberty or give me death” patriots.
Would a legitimate constitutional government murder 285 thousand American souls because they withdrew consent?
Would a plurality withdraw consent of their government in the face of genocide on American soil due to actions of elected representatives?
Who would be legitimate?
What do you think?

I have not consented to this administration since it started. I now publically denounce the legitimacy of the current office holders. I accept only the authority of the Constitution of The United States, and my own morality.

Steven C. Vanderhoff

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