

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Necessary disclaimer: On gun safety

DO NOT MAKE SURE YOUR BUDDY IS DEAD AFTER A HUNTING ACCIDENT. I DON''T CARE WHO TELLS YOU TO! (It makes it harder to prove it was an "accident"!)

That's what wolves and other varmints are for! Just take your time, and say you got lost coming out of the woods, and that's why it took 3 days to report it!

After my last post, a commenter pointed out that the video I posted could be used as a rally point for the gun-grabbing section of our society, (i.e. Liberals). For some reason, that's how they see us gun-nuts.

So I felt it imperative to post this disclaimer. It was a JOKE. (DUH).

And now this important message on gun safety, brought to you by a man many of us know and love, when he first started off BEING the man we know and love,  (vintage) Red Green:

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