

Friday, February 14, 2014

Are the sheeple really this stupid?

I just read an article praising the benefits of raising the minimum wage to $10.10. How some leftist nerd guy did a study of past wage hikes and how the economy grew each time, and more people had jobs afterward, and everybody was happy and unicorns blew cotton candy scented farts out of their asses as they danced in the glen.

And it has to be true. It had a chart!

I'm not going to link it. I refuse to propagate such inane bullshit in any way. I personally know what happens to those making a bare bones, paycheck to paycheck living that is just a little over minimum wage. You think their buying power goes up? Nope. Because they don't get a raise. Its more equal to a cut in pay.

And does anyone actually think those who aren't even worth two cents a day will see their buying power rise as a result of being overpaid by about ten bucks an hour? Sure it will. Just not as fast as the price of goods and services does.

How the hell do liberals believe giving people more than they are worth helps anyone? Someone has to pay these ridiculous new wages, and they have to come up with the funds somehow. So they raise the price on their product to accommodate the rise in their expense. And the unicorns continue their merry dance....

Remove all minimum wage requirements. Maybe people will return to the belief that a person is only worth what effort he or she puts out. Maybe education will return to being based on the increase in knowledge rather than the increase of impressive initials you get to put after your name.

Reminds me of my Navy days when by virtue of his 'college education' the Communications Ensign was qualified to be an officer. Hmmmm. I guess a degree in classical music is important to conducting naval operations. Go ahead. Just try to tell me the military, ALL branches, isn't fucked up. Been there, done that, got the hat.

I'd rather pay a guy that knows which end of a shovel goes into the dirt, than one who knows how to lean on the handle. Minimum wage is a handout for the lazy. An honest wage for an honest hours work is an incentive.

Just think how much we pay our politicians for all the hard work they do! If we based it on performance, the fuckers would starve.

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