

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Which is the best (insert item here)?

Its not the gun that kills you, its the person behind it
Being a prepper and survivalist my entire life, I follow a number of blogs and sites about survival. Wilderness, winter conditions, obamanation. Whatever the situation I end up in, whether its my own damn fault for something stupid, (going on a mountain hike and breaking a leg, etc...) or due to events that have gone far beyond my individual control, (electing an oppressive egomaniacal tyrant as president, etc...), one thing that always comes up is the "which is better" question. You know, where someone wants to know the 'best' knife to bring to a gunfight, that sort of thing.

One of the sites I follow is by a man named Selco.

Selco lived through the Balkan wars in a city cut off from the outside world for a year. It was literally an 'end of the world as we know it' scenario.

I was reading one of his automated emails I receive, and the following line grabbed me by the short and curlies:
Do not get killed because you stick to something stubborn just because someone told you it is great for you.

Selco has usually poor grammar. English is not his primary language. But that sentence above states it as clearly as any I've heard. If all you have is a .22 and your opponent has an AR15, all you need to do is be a better shot. I'll take expertise with a .22 over "I got a big gun" any day when the person with the 'big' gun can't shoot for shit.

The entire post was thought provoking, and anyone interested in protecting themselves and loved ones in an emergency situation, (see above line about oppressive egomaniacal tyrant) should read it.
It can be found here. Every post I get from him may not have good grammar, but it DOES have the grounding of experience.

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