

Friday, August 23, 2013

THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT, and the judge is an idiot.

I could care less who you fuck. Period.

I'm not anti-gay. I've had close friends who were of the type. I once worked the night shift at a hotel where every single one of the other night staffers were gay. One told me once, "if you were gay, I'd SO do you." He meant it as a compliment, and in the context of the entire conversation, I took it that way.

Told him 'ain't ever gonna happen' and that was the end of it. He wasn't trying to coerce me to change my world view. I believe he was just testing the waters, and when the water ran cold, he got out of the pool. Literally. The gene pool. The one positive I can see about gays is the inability to procreate...

But THIS! This is outrageous. It is the end of our country. And its not about gays. Its about individual belief in religion. You know, that pesky little detail our forefathers CAME TO THIS COUNTRY FOR.....

One of my blogger friends recently asked our community what defines a slut. A simple question, but the answers were interesting. And supportive of healthy, mutually supportive activity, with caring, competent adults.

Our attitudes are very different from our forefathers. We as a nation have grown. Our attitudes are evolving and understanding, if not acceptance, has taken the place of ignorance and intolerance. Sorta. More of a don't ask, don't tell kinda thing. But hey...personally, I don't want to know yer gay anymore than I want to picture my parents having sex...EWWWW

We still have racism, sexism, age discrimination. We still kill each other over skin color, avarice, greed...hell we still kill others over simple personal insults.

But Americans have ALWAYS, A L W A Y S!!! had religious freedom. I'm not an overly religious man. There, I said it. So I'll probably burn in Christian hell or something. Fine. My problem. Let it go.

But now, at least in New Mexico, you can be sued for holding a personal religious belief. WTF?!?!

Vanessa Willock, in an act of spite and retribution, decided to file a discrimination claim and punish Mrs. Huguenin for adhering to her religious beliefs. In a very profound decision, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that Christians, Muslims, Orthodox Jews, and others must surrender the faithful practice of their religion in the name of citizenship.
In fact, Justice Richard Bosson in a concurring opinion, wrote,
At its heart, this case teaches that at some point in our lives all of us must compromise, if only a little, to accommodate the contrasting values of others…. That compromise is part of the glue that holds us together as a nation, the tolerance that lubricates the varied moving parts of us as a people…. In short, I would say to the Huguenins, with the utmost respect: it is the price of citizenship. 
(snip) Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then seeks to silence good.
(Full story here.)

Since when the fuck is Freedom the price of Citizenship? And quite frankly, I think using the term 'lubricates the varied moving parts of us as a people....' to be SO wrong.....

Mz Willock: Fuck you. Take your anti-American intolerance and the little whore your fucking and go live in one of those -istan countries. You and the muslims can "argue" about your rights, and help the world by improving the gene pool. You'll even get the chance to learn a whole new meaning of the word 'stoned'.

Justice Bosson: Fuck you. Fuck the horse you rode in on. And fuck anyone who even LOOKS like you.

Mrs. Huguenin: Stand your ground. You are not alone.

And I can say all that. Because this is still fucking AMERICA! and my "citizenship" does not depend on your beliefs.


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