

Saturday, August 24, 2013

How do you say incompetent?

"Police Military Tactics" that's how.  Interesting post over at Police State USA tells yet another story about an innocent man murdered by SWAT teams.

Now I realize this is no big news. Its getting almost as common as videos of cats chasing laser lights. But we as a nation are letting the cops get away with it! If we don't hold the 'popo' accountable for their negligence in carrying out 'accidental' murder on us now, when do we?

If we continue to turn our eyes away from injustice, especially by the 'protectors of justice', we are allowing them more and more power over us. No longer will we be able to call ourselves the United States of America, but rather the Police States of Obama.

There is a contact message at the end of the post linked to above. Address and phone contact. Read the article, and call and/or write. Then go higher, to your Governors, Representatives, and Senators and demand justice once again be placed in the hands of a jury of our peers, and stop the Military Police version of 'justice served'.

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