

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

PTSD and not-so PTSD

Restaurant refuses Iraq War Veteran and service dog
When James Glaser stepped into Big I’s Restaurant in Oxford, Massachusetts with his service dog Jack, he was quickly told to leave in no uncertain terms (Full story from Yahoo News)
Now let me start by saying, I got nothing but respect for our service men and women, especially those who have disabilities. I served in the United States Navy, and have been disabled myself since last year. And no, my disability is not service related.
Also, I personally think this restaurant owner is a douchebag of the highest magnitude. If someone is messed up enough to require a service dog, then I'd say he's pretty messed up.
HOWEVER, having said that, a LOT of PTSD patients are out there for the money. I saw plenty of shit in the service, and trust me, getting shot at point blank range with a .12Ga gives a person a LOT of stress. I know....
But lately, PTSD has become the catch phrase for almost every fucker who served even one hitch and never saw anything more dangerous than a stapler. I KNOW a lot of these people personally. Saner than a lot of folks, but full bull-goose crazy batshit nuts when they talk to a military shrink.
I applied for VA disability, and was TOLD POINT BLANK that I'd have to claim PTSD first, and even which doctor to go to in order to facilitate this! Or should i say 'witch' doctor?
So I never went back. Fuck the VA that wants to advance Obama's nanny state.
If you gave your time and especially your quality of life in the future for America, I salute you, and wish to send you my deepest appreciation and sympathy, and pray the government takes care of you. You earned it.
And if you HAVE PTSD, as some folks I know do, then you DO have a quality of life injury.
So good luck to the veteran in the story above; I believe you have earned the right to take your partner into that asshat's restaurant. Now if we could just do something for the wounded and families of those killed in the Fort Hood "workplace incident", THEN I think we'd be on the right track.

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