

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Desecration of the United States Flag

CBS News in this video, posted the Obooger speech in DC. This is a screen shot of one part of it:
Can you tell what's wrong with this picture?*
I'd love to know who had the fucked up audacity to desecrate the Symbol of our Country like this.

*it doesn't say FUCK OBAMA!


Anonymous said...

Fuck that narcissistic piece of shit. There WAS a petition on the WH petition site about banning such desecrations of our flag, the last time I saw it (several days ago) it was approaching 100,000. Oddly enough, I can't find it now.

Xenolith said...

I was told about that, but couldn't find it either. Now I know why.
The ONLY good thing I can see from this is it FINALLY riles patriots enough to stop this piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this is no longer a government of the people, for the people or by the people.

Those pieces of shit in congress have proven they're not going do anything about it, in spite of overwhelming evidence of crimes and treason committed by our SCOAMF.

Unless someone or some group decides to take the initiative and march to DC and make a citizens arrest, Obumbler will be in office til 2016, if not for the next 40-50 years.