

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why NSA spying is REALLY bad....

This post from Running 'Cause I Can't Fly is well worth the read. Here's an excerpt:

The legal justifications for securing our personal effects, enshrined in the 4th Amendment, represent the cornerstone of American freedom: that F-word politicians blather on about at length even as they secretly betray it. This is not simply a personal preference to be private but is the necessary precondition for a free society. Private communications are the difference between what once was America and what once was the Soviet Union, or Orwell's dystopia if you prefer. The value of having secure, private lives free of government malfeasance and scrutiny is beyond a price and beyond debate. As long as the Constitution remains the "Supreme Law of the Land," those who willingly violate it have committed treason against the American people.
H/T to The Middle Of The Right

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