

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I speak sheep fluently

I can speak sheep, because up until a few years ago, I WAS a sheep. Until I was in my forties, I never really gave a crap about the government. I was raised to be self sufficient, able to take care of myself and those around me come literally hell or high water. If the government left me alone, I was more than willing to reciprocate.

It wasn't until I started working at a facility that takes in drug addicted teenagers, affiliated with the State of Oklahoma, that I started noticing how fucked up our society is. I served for 12 years in the United States Navy, and even during that time, I really didn't pay attention to how our leaders in Washington DC were running things. Even through the Gulf War.

Lately things have been getting worse. NSA snooping, IRS intimidation, treasonous president. And as I began to pay attention, I could no longer believe in our righteous leaders. I realized I was living in a country where my government no longer held true to "live and let live".

But until only the last few years, I didn't believe anything could ever happen to America. Baaaaahhh.

I trusted our education system to raise an intelligent and enlightened future generation. Baaahhhh.

Leaders in DC looked after the needs of the country, and would keep things going. BAAAHHH!!!

Now I see how stupid, yes, STUPID, our children are as they graduate high school. I see colleges charging more than most folks make in a year for a semester of classes. I see party infighting. I see the 'almighty dollar' becoming the interest on yen. I see the quality of lives of Americans turning into the ruins of Detroit.

We have a king  president in office doing his best to cause race wars in America while trying to divert attention from the illegal shenanigans and covert operations of the most criminal White House we've ever allowed to pollute our country.

I speak sheep fluently. But just because I know the language from living the head-in-the-sand life doesn't mean I haven't learned to speak Patriot too. As a matter of fact, that's pretty much all I speak now.

 I woke up, and having awakened, I feel the need to stretch. To stretch to the fullest my rights as a free citizen of These United States! The blood of our forefathers rests in the land beneath our feet. From that blood spilled rose a great nation. A great country built on great sacrifice. WE are the legacy they left behind. Trusted to keep ourselves free from those who would enslave us. We do not quietly 'baahh' to appease our own government. We cry "LIBERTY" and "JUSTICE" and "RIGHTS" in the language of our ancestors, the language of a true patriot, who only speaks FREEDOM!!!!

When the time comes to be judged, they will speak of me: He was a patriot.

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