Our anti-American, socialist, muslim president is a fraud. Although I cannot verify the truth of the statements made in this video, our country, that once believed a man was innocent until proven guilty, now advocates that one prove their innocence or be unquestionably guilty before the fact. The burden of proof now rests with the defendant rather than the accuser. Unless you happen to sit your ass in the highest seat in the free world.
Whereas these days, if you are accused of a crime, or a lie, or even negligence, the mere accusation is enough to be tried by a forcibly biased court. Our Congress and specifically our 'president', as in all other cases, declare themselves above the base requirements of proof in validating their actions. Do in fact strive to keep us lowly citizens as uninformed as possible in their 'transparent' felonious actions.
Obama in particular constantly claims 'executive privilege', while using 'executive power' to further his agenda of raping our freedoms. Even if it is indeed a fact that he was born in Hawaii, (which has never been satisfactorily proved) his past has had enough evidence of deception and dishonesty that IS proven, that his fatcat, crony elevating, lying ass should not only not have been elected due to his doubtful citizenship, but also due to the many instances of proof that he is not, nor ever has been, a person of non-corrupt morals or honesty.
Why do we, as Americans, let this continue? Why did we allow it to happen in the first place? No other person would have been allowed to campaign, much less be elected, faced with the plethora of evidence against his eligibility! And having successfully assumed the throne, why do we as Patriots allow him to remain?
We languish in a country that allows the denial of the Christian God, while actively promoting some woman hating, child killing, hate mongering deity called allah. Marriage is looked upon as a freakish and antiquated union, while children are indeed being raised by villages. Or at least if you can call running the streets with no concept of a decent home life is considered 'by the village'.
Our livelihoods are being systematically replaced with low level part time minimum wage jobs that only allow us to serve our masters without the ability to make hard work, effort, and education improve our standings. This would not fit in with the ideology of the ruling class.
Capitalism, the filthy idea that hard work and perseverance will allow us to rise above the level of serfdom, is denigrated, while those who choose to live off the government feed trough are treated to the best our hard work can pay for.
Americans who died in terrorist atrocities have families left with no income, or medical and living expenses they cannot meet because a muslim chose a misguided faith over his oath to uphold and protect the Constitution. Rather than face reality, our government allows the 'president' to decree this a "workplace accident", thereby actively excusing the behavior of the bastard who perpetrated the crime while simultaneously denying the respect due to our servicemen and women. And all this on American soil.
Its American soil all right. Soiled by we patriots who allow these acts to go unpunished. Not only the acts of a madman at Fort Hood, but the acts of traitors to our country and our freedom who rule us.
Barry Soetoro has been called a great community organizer.
I would be called a lowlife rabble rouser.
I call myself a Patriot. Perhaps its time we rabble were roused.
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