

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dollar Stores. Gotta love 'em!

Is there ANYTHING you can't get at the dollar store?

Yes, that IS what it says it is...
I guess the minimum wage stock clerk saw oral ANALgesic...
 ...and thought it should be with the butt cream.
Actually an interesting innovation. Always nice to clean off
those peels yer gonna throw away anyways....
And then of course, there's always the old-fashioned
MONKEY Peeler...Also convenient for shaving your monkey, I guess...
For the wife...she always forgets to keep water on em anyway...
Little flowers that dance back and forth. They're solar powered,
so I guess they're worth a buck...
AND.. they aren't too picky about who they let in the door!


hiswiserangel said...

Oh my God! I love the Dollar Store! And you look more reputable than the freaking manager at our local hangout.

Craig M said...

I go there to find rare treats like Cinnamin Coke.

Xenolith said...

Haven't seen that one. But if it exists somewhere in the world, you CAN get it at the dollar store!