

Monday, October 14, 2013

Wingnuts (updated)

The definition of a wingnut, in simple terms for any Democrats reading this, is:
A device that, when turned to the right, tightens and holds things together, and when turned to the left allows things to fall apart. The ability to turn this device is facilitated for ease of use by the addition of a large flap on either side of a central nut. (Picture obama's ears.)

In order to give a visual representation, other than the one you now have in your head of obama's ears, I have provided the following representations.
Standard Wingnut, Enlarged view
Congressional Wingnut

Wingnut from Fraggle Rock

Wingnut Adams Album Cover (blues band)

Tattoo of a wingnut in flames.
Colonial wingnut
Moving Wingnut in Kilt (currently MArooned)
Ms. Lisa's Wingnut, Wirecutter
Wingnut's Dog, CharlieGoddamnit (Wirecutter's)
A Poor, Suffering, Wingnu'ts dog sporting eyebrows. (Scooter)
Wingnut Incognito (The http://hopelesslysane.blogspot.com/Lonely Libertarian)
Self tightening Wingnut with attached wrench for extra torque. (Phil)

Dumb-ass grinning fool Wingnut and author of this blog.




Phil said...

'Self Tightening Wingnut".

Dude, that's hilarious.
Although I have been accused of being wound a little too tight on occasion.

hiswiserangel said...

I am honored to be included in the wingnut hall of fame. ;-)