

Monday, September 30, 2013

Due to Common Core, future generations will not be able to read this post.

The new national education standards adopted by 45 States and the District of Columbia and now slipping into America’s schools are a collectivist’s dream.
Called Common Core, it is an attempt to create a Federally controlled education system designed to turn children into mind-numbed drones devoid of imagination and inculcated with a progressive culture of redistributionist economics, social justice, the mainstreaming of perverted lifestyles, secular humanism and radical environmentalism. It is a one-size-fits-all scheme that will dumb down students to the lowest common denominator.

I've posted a couple of times about things I think are wrong with Common Core. The above excerpt from Personal Liberty Digest pretty much sums it up though. And by 'sums' I don't mean the Common Core concept that 2+2=5. Note even close.

Obama bribed states into acceding to teaching immoral and inherently liberal,  get-on-the-carousel-shut-up-and-enjoy-the-free-ride ideals in order to continue his agenda of a zombie populace with no ability to think for itself and blindly follow where fearful leader leads: To the morally and financial bankruptcy or our once great nation.

Fuck Common Core.
And Fuck Obama

1 comment:

Phil said...

My mother taught me to read before I ever started school. Even way back then I was so far ahead of my classmates in first and second grades that I was bored to tears.

Kids these days are functionally illiterate and it is going to get worse because of this.

I guess fat,drunk and stupid is going to be the way to go through life in the future.