

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Disaster mindset then, opsec now

I have lived through major hurricanes in Florida, and had to deal with no electricity, water, food situations personally.

I keep reading articles from the "look on the bright side' folks that tell me everyone in an emergency comes together as a community and make life happy happy joy joy for everyone.


At first, maybe. Depends on the community. But even where I lived, in a nice town with nice follks, after a few days waiting for the water truck, or mobbing the bread delivery guy before he even makes it into the store to make sure YOU get YOURS, things start to look ugly.

One neighbor ran power cords to a couple of others. Nice gesture, right? How do you think his non-chosen neighbors reacted? I'll leave the answer to your imagination. But yes, thats exactly what they did.

A lot of folks DO come together. In clan style groups. Rather than 'its me or you' it becomes 'its US or you'. Much the same as a wolf pack develops to ensure the pack eats.

But the bigger the pack, the more food required. That's okay though, because they can hunt better. And on the reverse side, what happens when the food source disappears? Someone gots to go!

Accept reality. We have crime because other people want what we have, for whatever reason. How bad do you think it will be when EVERYONE doesn't want, but NEEDS what you have?

Opsec now, or just give up then.

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