

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pelosi says: Cupboards are bare.

Unfortunately, its OUR cupboards. Not DC's.

What the fuck is wrong with AMERICANS?

No, really. When did we become such limp wristed parodies of the American male?

George and the boys got pissed over a TWO PERCENT tax on tea. We let king obama raise taxes into the tens of percent. Yearly. While increasing the debt in the trillions.

Is it all obama's fault? No. Should he be held responsible? Yes.

He is the 'leader' of our government. The lying, self-serving, egomaniacal 'leader', true, but still...HE begged us to let him lead not once, but TWICE, and supposedly we voted him in to BE responsible. Isn't that what a leader IS?? Someone others FOLLOW? Makes me wanna puke.

We have Obamacare, that NO ONE wants being pushed through congress (small 'c'), but it will exempt the very people imposing it. Or, in the words of Marie Antoinette: "Let them eat cake". And anyone who understands history knows, that 'cake' was a hard biscuit of flour and salt, 'caked' together.
Meanwhile, our 'beloved' leader and his family go on vacations and have meals fit for the royalty they THINK they are. At our expense. Including air travel for the family dog. WTF! Couldn't they use a dog carrier tied to the top of Air Force One?

We have Pelosi telling us now that 'the cupboards are bare, there's nothing left' to cut our spending.

What do you run out and buy when you only have a limited amount of funds? I buy food. to make sure I can survive long enough to get more money later to worry about bills that I have to pay.

If the governmental cupboards are bare. Then fucking stock them up!

Take care of AMERICA first. keeping CITIZENS going to keep the COUNTRY going!

And don't tell me there's nothing left.... Start cutting staff. Get off your fat ass Pelosi, and go get your own fucking cup of half-caff mocha frappechino latte.... Learn to read and do your own job. You don't REALLY need someone to read everything for you and give you the cliff notes, do you?
OR, and this is a biggee: Stop giving anyone who ever held office their wages for LIFE. Either make them use the same social security (security??) the rest of the country uses, or set their lifespan to a maximum of say, three years after leaving office. I wouldn't mind paying for three years. And it would probably increase the gene pool.

Here's some staff you don't need! Cut the Gestapo Stazi Secret Service. Guns don't protect people. Guns kill people. So make a stand. Get rid of YOUR hired guns first. Or, in the words of Charlie Daniels: "take 'em away from the criminals first, and I'll gladly give you mine."

Hire some kid for twenty bucks to use his push mower to cut the White House grass. Hell, there are enough folks in DC i'm sure that would fucking cut your damn grass with SCISSORS for twenty bucks they actually get to KEEP long enough to buy food for their kids. Or even better: SAVE the twenty bucks and git the obamabrats out there with push mowers. Moochelle can walk around and pick up BO's dog poop.

When we DO get a representative who actually stands for what WE, the PEOPLE, want, he is immediately made the subject of ridicule by the incumbent masses of  'government for the government' hacks.

Oh, that's right. I forgot. Its OUR fault. We can vote them out and keep the ones we like or get new ones.... except there hasn't been a valid election in our national government in DECADES. I vote. Even though I know that the one with the most powerful industrial and financial backing is going to win.

THAT'S why our ENTIRE government is so FUCKED UP.

I actually believe that SOME of you ran for office hoping to do good. At least I'd like to think so. But you find in that corruption-filled maggot nest that you have to 'go along to get along'. Having gotten as far as you have, with the support of (supposedly) the American Public, you find the only way to stay there in order to "help the people" is to butt fuck us into lower class, racist, government subsidized zombies. Who will do whatever we're told to keep you in the style to which you have become accustomed.

We've gotten to be the best government money can buy. There is something wrong with a country that a politician spends MILLIONS to get elected to office. I couldn't run for fucking DOG CATCHER in my town without spending at least thousands. Thanks to continuing mud slinging political examples of our 'leaders', the sheeple have been taught that those that already HAVE money are the ones who will do the best for THEM.

HUH?? Those WITH money are going to do everything they can to KEEP having money.
Money means power, prestige, luxury. How many men out there can say they got a blowjob in the oval office? Well?
Maybe one of us (because I consider myself lucky when I get one at all) should run for president.

Only takes a couple million...

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