

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Situational Awareness

These days, with our own country spying on us like something from a bad commie movie, and with the air of distrust against our government, it is important to know who to trust and when. Situational awareness assists in this by actually noticing how people act around you, and how they react to people around them.

Are they following you or just happen to be going the same way? Has that car been sitting on the side of the road on your way to work still there? Do you see it parked down the block from the diner you usually have lunch at?

Now, I'm not a tinhat junkie who thinks the government is tailing me. I doubt I'm that important, although I'm pretty sure I'm on a number of lists: Subversive, Traitor, Treason. All the usual names given to patriots by oppressors.

Here is an excerpt from over at The Great Northern Prepper which gives a good start to learning effective situational awareness:

If you have to drive to work everyday start to pay attention to the things around you on your drive. Pick out 5 random things on your drive into work and on your way home. Like a name “tagged” in spraypaint on an overpass, a lightpole that is out, a Dog in a yard, how busy a store is that you pass. The next day see if you can remember them on that same stretch of road, see if its there, if it changed, etc. Do this every day. If you dont remember everything thats ok, its building those neurons in your brain to start to do this automatically. The Brain is like a muscle, and like when you learned to throw a ball, play tennis, whatever, you had to practice over and over again until it began to become “right”. Your brain is the same way, over time it will start to do this automatically and you will notice EVERYTHING that is out of place.

The same goes for your walks in a park, mall, etc. Pick out features on peoples faces, make it a game. See how many Redheads you can spot in 15 minutes in the mall, or how many people are walking down the street in a suit and tie, or how many poodles are in the park. Do this everytime and see what changes.

Remember folks, its not paranoia if they really are out to get ya!

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