

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's Me Again, Margaret*

I'm trying. Even weekly is gonna be tough with all the springtime projects commencing, and the day to day crap we all deal with as life happens.

This last week has been especially trying, but has had its blessings, too.

Attempting to get a Dent corn and wheat field in, I paid my brother 60.00 bucks to disk a section of land for me here at Turn Here Rose, and am working on tilling it over with my medium sized rototiller. With my screwed up shoulder, it's a lot harder than I'd like, and is taking me longer than I planned. By the end of the day, I'm done in,  and that's beside the fact I can only work for maybe a half hour before I have to break until the pain eases off. Rose has been cuttng me some slack by taking on a lot of the household chores; cooking, dishes, laundry. Since she still puts in a 40+ hour work week, I REALLY appreciate her support! 

Lost my wallet the day after my monthly check came in. I'm fairly sure I left it on the checkout counter at Lowes when buying a hot water heater. I didn't realize it until the following day. Of course I called the store as soon as I realized, and just as assuredly, no one had turned it in. It may have something to do with the 650.00 or so that was in it, which included my mortgage payment. 

For the first time since moving here, I have running hot water, and am back behind the 8 ball with having to make up for my carelessness. Guess I was too preoccupied with the thought of a hot shower....

I always leave enough on my card to handle my more regular bills that are easier to pay online, and Rose holds onto that in case she needs to get gas, milk, whatever, and I discovered my missing wallet when she told me she couldn't find the credit card! Wasn't much on that, and what there was isn't really an issue, as she had already paid all the regular bills, but as its a government issue card, I get the hassle of canceling it and having a new one issued

I bought some chicks, ducks,  and geese earlier this year, and wouldn't ya know it, the damn things are growing so fast the cage they are in is getting a little crowded,  and a new coop is quickly becoming more than a luxury. 

But like I said,  trials mixed with blessings. My own 2001 Saturn has an ignition problem, so that best friend I told you about in an earlier post first lent me his 1997 Saturn, then offered to sell it to me cheap, on payments. He went on a week's trip to visit his kids in Texas, and left his Kia with me rather than in the crime ridden city he lives in, and Rose got to use it for her daily commute. Two days before he was due back, the '94 Saturn shift train locked up on me. When he came back, after two days of me fucking with it, he shows up, jacks up the driver side front tire, and when it then miraculously works, told me it was stuck in two gears,  and that that happens sometimes with this car... But Rose was able to use the Kia during those two days, so it could have been much worse for us

Then he said Rose could continue using his Kia while I get my ignition problem figured out, so that it wouldn't happen to her in that Saturn. 

And then that he was moving to Texas in May. Oh well,  I'll miss him more than I can say, but it's only a three hour drive due South, and we WILL get together a couple times a year. 

So that's it. I'm here, I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm broke, and my rainbow seems more like the colorful sheen on a bubble that could pop anytime than a glorious promise that golden unicorns are gonna start flying out of my ass; but there it is. 

They say what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. But what if you were strong enough BEFORE? 

Take care my friends, and keep a loaded gun handy!


1 comment:

Grog said...

Ready to use tools? yeah, they're here. ;)

Does Margaret work at Lowes? ;)