Saturday, October 26, 2019

Update for Doug C.:

Thanks for asking about us, Doug. It looks like we're stuck in this camping trailer through the winter while we try to put enough money aside to make a break for it. I've covered the windows inside and out to keep the wind out, and put up some panels around the outside to help keep the plumbing from freezing. Next paycheck I'll be getting some of those electric heating ropes and try to figure out how to keep the water flowing.
On a positive note, the harridan's brother has a girlfriend. He's been texting her online. And after actually meeting her next month he plans on bringing her to Michigan to live happily ever after at his side on his sister's couch!
Imagine the jubilation rife within the family!
At least living out in this camper I can honestly say my life situation is starting to look actually better than my friend's.
Keep thinking good thoughts, Dear Readers. I'll try not to overdo posts about my situation here, but it's nice to know there are folks out there rooting for us.


  1. How do you feel about living in Eastern Michigan? Might be able to get you a place for the winter or longer.

  2. Email me at Let's talk!
