Sunday, October 27, 2019

Contact info

I'm getting comments about my situation from some of you folks out there. Some rather off-the-wall offers of help, some down right mean. And some honest offers of help. 
Just to be clear, I know I made the decisions to move here based on assumptions from my past. No, I'm not trying to make excuses. No, I'm not trying to get anything for free. And no, I'm NOT looking for someone to adopt my dogs.
The are some generous folks out there who have offered advice and possible solutions.
Please use my email
rather than the comments if you just want to get hold of me. It's easier than making comments and more direct.

And as a side note, if it were just me, I'd hike out so far in the fucking woods no one would ever hear from me again. And die happy whether its a day later or decades. But I got Rose, and she's worth putting up with our government mandated structured society and Jack boot police state knowing she'd never be happy "out there" in the woods. Darn shame about that though. Bet she'd look cute in buckskin...


  1. Hey, I made the suggestion about putting pallets out and you had a good response. Just wanted to confirm I was trying to be helpful. Can't u detest and why people want to badger you on your situation. Come up with ideas people or respectfully be silent. Sounds like you have a lead in Michigan but there must be others who have hunting or fishing cabins that they rarely use and could be a good home for you and Rose and also you could establish a real big out location by contributing a garden and food storage. Anyway, good luck! Hang in there and know that some of us are wishing you success.

  2. Figured you were being helpful,and posted your comment accordingly. As well as the fact that the idea was sound enough that I had already attempted it. As a side note, I put a piece of 1/4 inch plywood on top and though not supportive by itself, it makes the pallet work 100% better.
    And though not posted yet, a couple in eastern Michigan may have a place to rent us. Driving out this weekend, and will definitely do a post on our new living situation if things work out.
    Thanks for the suggestions and kind feelings. Who knows, it may be your good wishes that tips fickle fate in our favor.
