Saturday, October 5, 2019

New fucking shitstorm

Or is it just me...?
Rose and I moved to Michigan one year and a little over a month ago now. I was struggling with my farm and health in Oklahoma. Between being disabled and having spent a month in a coma after contracting viral pneumonia, we decided to move to Michigan and start again at my buddy's place. He's got a messed up back and needed help getting his place started, and we figured between our two combined families, we'd manage to make a two family homestead together work.
We arrived too late last year to work on gardening and such, but managed some good deals on some pigs, chickens, and a few rabbits.
After a rough winter, when spring came around, I was excited to break ground and get a subsistence garden in.
Well, that never happened.
His wife, the most feckless, meanest, most self absorbed woman I ever met, was worried there wouldn't be any place for their "little man" to play....
"Little man" is their ten year old grandson she stole from her daughter (who was taken away from her for being a rotten mother) and raises as her son. He's got some(?) mental issues, has sent a teacher to the hospital already this year, throws food when he's not happy at the table, tears the arms and legs off his super hero dolls, and the first thing he ever said to me was asking if I wanted to see his room, and when I went in, asked me to take my pants off... And is otherwise violent and abusive.
We lived in the spare bedroom in the house through the winter, and after getting pissed about the garden, and no say in ANYTHING about the property unless approved by the hag (unlikely), we moved into a very small camper he owns behind the house. We still pay for half the mortgage on the land, all the electric, and half the cable bill since I ran a line out to the trailer, but we stopped buying food except what we cook for ourselves, and pretty much live by ourselves out here, while still buying all the feed for the animals and caring for them.
All of this I could deal with. But the wife's stepfather passed away in August, and she moved her mom into the spare room. Plus her brother got kicked out of his home by his ex wife after his nephews family moved in at his place (did I mention his nephew is the hag's son and his wife's ex lover...) and he's sleeping on the couch here now.
So there are four adults and the demon child living in the three bedroom house, Rose and I are in the camper with a fucked up septic, water hookup through a garden house, and only two little space heaters to stay warm.
Not what my buddy and I had envisioned a year ago.
Things were looking up though. I have a nephew in the area, who has a mobile home on an acre of land, and he was going to let us rent there. I'm not going into the shady deal that involved, but let's just say frauding a local charity and getting double rent isn't beneath him.
I've spent the better part of the last three months waiting for him to get the place livable, rebuilding floors, plumbing, kitchen, and helping out with all this, just waiting to move in, and then didn't hear from him for a couple of weeks.
Last night he calls Rose (not me, the fucking coward) and tells her he's selling it outright to someone else now that it's finally livable.
Finding a place I can afford on my own here is rough. Renting ain't the problem, it's the "first/last/security" and my dogs I've had for everywhere from 2 to 13 years.
So I woke up this morning tired, frustrated, angry, and lost. I'm going to have to go to the charity my nephew was going to cheat, and beg for help. I can't stay in this camper over the winter, the house is over-full, if their kid attacks Rose again I'll probably commit murder of an eleven year old, and all I want is a FUCKING GARDEN.
If you know anyone anywhere that has a house for rent to a good handy man at a decent price, give them my name...  dogs allowed and room for a garden, please!


  1. I can help you out, however we need to discuss the particulars of it. Also it will be nowhere near the upper midwest. SE Colorado is what I have to offer. I'll sell you the house cheap or I'll rent it to you modestly. Your choice, it is on three lots so there is plenty of room to garden and I don't care about pets so long as they don't fuck up the property. You do need to know that it does need upgrades to the electric and most likely the plumbing before the utilities can be turned on, those will be on you.


  2. Eric, email me. Let's talk about this!
