Friday, March 7, 2014

THIS I get

Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths.
Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths.
I was wasting some time tonight reading blogs and admiring the scantily clad women posted, when I followed a link posted by The Outrider to an article HERE comparing Obama and Putin.
Normally, I just scan right through these, because we all know how fucking ridiculous our president is, and even if we are nationally still 'anti-Russian' after many decades of friction, we have to admit that Putin is ahead of obama in both points and style here. The paragraph below stood out for me. I get this!

Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths. (emph mine)

Americans truly cannot accept weakness. Its why we paste pictures of our Dipship In Chief riding a bike with his little helmet and mom-jeans on our blogs for a good laugh. Its why we no longer respect those in office who cave at the first sign of conflict, and will not stand for their convictions, or the will of their contituents. We are a nation of strong willed, determined assholes. We will not be told what we can eat, where to live, made to relinquish our guns, or let a tyrannical fucktard tell us what to do. It was independent minded people who created this nation out of anger against tyranny, and it will be similar minded Patriots who will (eventually) stand against the same sort of tyranny being instigated by a government no longer in control.

I have personally seen the power of the III to help people overcome difficulty, coming together as a united front to aid their own.
None of them asked, "Will I be branded by the government for this?". Or worried much that the inevitable answer is 'yes'. We have never feared as a nation to face overwhelming odds, and have proven time and time again how the willingness to stand against injustice, be it at home or abroad, united in our cause, has proven the turning point in many campaigns. We are a mob. A united body with one motion, one goal, one overwhelming desire; to be free.

We will not go quietly into that goodnight. We will rage against the dark. We are a compassionate tribe, but we will look out for our own. Eventually, someone is going to be pushed too far. And when that inevitably happens, it will be the push that initiates our call for justice. For freedom. For our rights. And we will prevail.

We are Americans. We are the proud few who will stand against those who would subjugate us.
They cannot have my guns. They may not tell me where I can or cannot live. They will not enslave me.

God go before you, my brothers and sisters. And God help those who would try to destroy our great America.

Molon labe.

Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths
Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths
Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths.
Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths
Therein lies a potential flaw in Putin’s tactics; he may have inadvertently pushed the people of United States into a position we refuse to accept. Americans cannot abide weakness in any form. It is alien to our national character. We have never backed down from a challenge when we believe we are on the side of what is right. It is one of the founding principles of our country. Though it can sometimes be a significant flaw, more often than not, it is one our greatest strengths

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