Monday, December 23, 2013

I want a post about ME!

I was going through the blogs I follow this evening, and came across another video of another cop beating up another citizen, and of course, after the video was done, the screen comes up with a list of similar type videos for your viewing pleasure.

I got stuck. Three hours later, and no less surprised by the cops of (Enter City Name Here) beating up or violating the rights of some citizen who was just (Enter lawful activity here).

So I figured I'd give equal time to the good cops out there. I went to YouTube videos, and typed in "Cops doing good".

Ya know what I found?

Cops doing their fucking JOB. Nobody being SUPERCOP, no amazing feats of daring do. Just normal people doing their job in the right way, and treating people with common decency.

WHY THE FUCK IS THIS NOTEWORTHY? In every job I have EVER held, I have been cited for outstanding performance. I have striven to uphold the tenets of decency and compassion in all aspects of my life.


And WHY is it such a noteworthy event when a cop DOES a good deed, that they have to have a video made of it?

Sad really.....


  1. Its because them doing what they are suppose to do is going above and beyond what the normal cop does...

  2. Because the internet couldn't handle video proof of your awesomeness!

  3. So true....I was just too humble to suggest that as the reason.
