Sunday, October 13, 2013

Just had an epiphany

And I don't even know what the fuck an epiphany is! Sounds like some kind thing you'd get at Che'  Boutique...

Anyway, a post I did earlier, and a comment by someone who actually reads this crap I post, lit a lightbulb for me. (Yes, I know you all already know what just occurred to ME, I'm slow, okay?!!)

We really ARE the enemy. I get sent emails daily about police brutality. Usually more than daily.
In our slow decline toward socialism, aided by our current I-am-your-god in chief, it is becoming 'Us' against 'Them'.
And this is probably the worst symptom I can personally see in our country's illness. That people we once looked up to, who took PRIDE in their motto "Protect and Serve", and swore a fucking OATH to uphold the Constitution of these United States, have been deemed by the courts of our OWN FUCKING COUNTRY to not be "required" to protect NOR serve.

Their ONLY duty is to detain us, chase us down, and keep us in line. No longer do our children run up and greet the policeman as he walks 'his' beat. No longer do we feel safe, knowing that a man dedicated to protecting us will rush to our aid, no matter how minor the problem may be.
Now we cringe inside at the sight of a police car, the inimitable spector of 'justice' pulling in behind us on the street. We grab our iphones and quickly open the video camera to make sure we get copy of the next 'beat down' every time a black and white cruiser pulls up to the curb; disappointment evident in our expression when we realize its in front of the doughnut shop.

I haven't had ANY respect for LEOs since at least the turn of the century. How sad is it that they no longer even bother to put the old, outdated, motto on their cars? They no longer even make a pretense of having a law abiding citizen's interests in mind.

Wake up, 'cops'. The Gestapo no longer exists. It went the way of the dodo when their leaders were gone. Your only power comes from a government, whether city, county, state, or federal, that WILL cease to exist when, not if, we the people have had ENOUGH.
I'm not making any threat here, but you can have all the fancy vehicles, high caliber 'military' asault rifles, and shiny dime store badges you want.

Billy Joe Bob Woodshick Junior The Third has ONE bullet out there in the woods, and it ain't deer season...

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