Tuesday, September 10, 2013

mere ramblings

I try to post something besides my XenoBabes and the daily dose of deviancy. Today you get the ramblings of a madman. (That's me, btw)

I'm mad at the government,

Oh wait. Thats about the only thing I'm mad at. And maybe beaurocracy in general. Due to the way the Social Security Disability is ran, you have to apply, reapply, and then on the third try go to court. And you HAVE to have a lawyer. You could be missing your fucking head and still need a lawyer representing you to get the money from a fund you put into your whole life.

Ever notice how every third commercial on the idiot box is for a lawyer stating: "Are you having difficulty getting your SS benefits", or "Injured, can't work. We can help!".

Of COURSE they can. Because if you get approved before the third review, you don't have to go to court, so no court fees. So you can pretty much count on not being approved. Plus, the lawyer makes 25% of what you had coming from the time of your injury to the time you went to court, which, btw, is guaranteed to take at least a year.

Its easy money for the lawyer, he'll get a couple grand off me. I did all the legwork to get all the documentation needed, gave it to him, and he just has to go tell the judge: "See, he IS disabled."

Then I finally get three fourths of the money, minus court costs.

Of course, because its been a year since I worked, every month gets harder and harder to get by. I really love it when creditors ask me if I can BORROW the money from someone to pay them. F:UCK THEM. They'll get paid when I do. Take me to court. Until my SSD kicks in, they can sue me all they want. Can't get blood from a stone and all that.

And the Federal Government is just so fucked up I don't know where to start. There isn't a politician worth his salt with the POSSIBLE exception of Cruz and Paul. And I have doubts about them. Anti gun nuts, philanderers, theives and liars. 

With heavy emphasis on obama being the worst of them. Some fucking "leader". Lead us into WWIII more likely...

Well, thanks for letting me bitch. I appreciate it. I'll try to get off the pity pot now, and see if I can't find something that isn't about Syria to post.



  1. Hugs, darlin', been there and done that and done that and done that...
    and then you find out the illegal aliens' anchor babies are all on SSI for some cockamamie ADHD bullshit, and they got it first try out because the gubmint assigned them bilingual caseworkers who did everything for them. That's when my eye started twitching and I felt truly insane for the first time in my life. Just know you're loved and you'll get through this stronger and wiser and all that other inspirational BS.

  2. Yep. I got no right shoulder, and I'm right handed. But I have to go to court to collect on something I've paid into my whole life, and PROVE I'm disabled, while I see crackheads getting all KINDS of assistance.
    But the lawyers and judges get easy money from me.
    Hell, all I want my money for is stupid shit, like keep my electric from being shut off and pay rent. You know, frivolous shit.
