Monday, September 2, 2013

Government Agenda

I was reading a post over at Joe for America and down in the comments section, I found this little gem by AARguy that I believe is worth noting. Personally I think this guy is hitting the bullseye. You can read the main article here:

I found it interesting that he said he had decided that the US "shall" take action. In legal lingo (and Obama is a lawyer) this means it might or might not happen. If he had said it "will" happen, this would mean the action would be taken no matter what .It is my opinion that this is a setup that has little to do with Syria itself.
Kerry's speech was all emotion, designed to whip up the crowd. Obama's whole approach is to make him appear as a staunch supporter of the rule of law... a hero on the international scene saving children and enforcing the rules against use of chem weapons .In reality, I believe he wants Congress to disapprove of any military action. He will then be able to blame "obstructionist Republicans" for preventing him from upholding international law and "saving the children".
In this manner he will re-establish his hero status. When the budget, debt ceiling, and similar issues come up soon, the Republicans will support him to avoid any more accusations of being "obstructionist". He will get what he wants. His domestic agenda will be fulfilled. Along the way, all the voices that claim he circumvents Congress and violates the Constitution with his Executive Orders will be silenced. After all, he bowed to the will of the people by submitting to Congress. This guy is a master politician.
Of course, all this means that America is left emasculated and weak. our enemies become emboldened, and the risk of violence against the US at home and abroad is greatly increased. Oh well.
And if there is an attack on Syria, all bets are off. Jihadists are now enraged globally and we have shown our ability to dither with the best. Russia may not get involved military, but they and their newly found Chinese allies could ruin the dollar overnight. Iran, the modern masters of marrying technology and terrorism, have tricks up their sleeves that can make the Boston Marathon and the World Trade Center look tame... and commonplace.

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