

Monday, August 26, 2013

Oh man, am I in trouble....

One of the prepper/survivor sites I frequent had an article about the many and varied uses of urine. Yes, urine. As in pee.

Anyway, besides the ancient use of urine as a food preservative, (Ewww), it is also a source of potassium nitrate.

Having been a long time since my high school days, back when they actually TAUGHT shit, I had forgotten what potassium nitrate is good for. So I did an online search using google. and found out one of the uses for this chemical is for, like, making gunpowder. (I knew this, but it had slipped my mind...) Which could be used to make a bomb. OH MY!

NSA is gonna have a FIELD DAY with this post, especially because I'm sure they already looked at my search to see why I was looking up PN.

Ah, what the hell. Terrorist, gun, explosive. And just for the spooks who are now all OVER this page:

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