Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Not another clown post

I'm not going to post about some rodeo clown mocking the president. Been there, done that. Fuck it, that shit was funny!

I'm going to post about a small minded man. And the First Amendment. I'm sure my readers know which one I'm talking about. That silly little song and dance about free speech.

That's the beauty of our Constitution. This idiot mouth breather can go online, and let the entire world know how Wrong it is, how Vile, and Racist that a fucking CLOWN mocked our Great Leader!

Its satire at its best, but this clown, (the one complaining, not the one wearing the mask) wants to shut it off because its 'insulting'. He wants us to stop using our voices in non-harmful ways, while he shouts out the we are racist, anti-American, and probably eat small children. And that's okay. Because one of the beautiful things about our Constitution is it guarantees the right of an idiot to have an opinion. To be heard.

And it gives those of us who actually do have more than two brain cells rubbing together the right to say what a fucking MORONIC DOLT Mr. Mead is.

Mr. Mead: Please realize that by telling the world we mocked our president, (oh NO!) you exercised the exact same right you try to deny the rest of us.

You managed to make an entire State (Missouri, folks) look like a mass of lame brained, puritanical Philistines in one glorious moment of pure small mindedness.

Missouri now requires clowns to go through 'sensitivity training'. You can read about that over at RedState. But I don't want to make this post about a group of misguided bureaucrats trying to quell the concerns of ONE very little, very minor, very unimportant man. Missouri can worry about itself and bask in its idiocy as a whole.

I want to make this post about You, Mr. Mead. And about the First Amendment. So, that being said.

Isn't the First Amendment great?! And it wasn't about mocking our president, what upset this asshole was the rest of the people CHEERING!

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