Thursday, July 25, 2013

When is enough going to be enough?

(Playing around on Yahoo Today, I found this little tidbit of news regarding America's increasing distaste for the way congress is doing its job. I've posted it in its entirety at the end of my rant.)
WOW! Imagine that! People are waking up and paying attention! How much further do the lowlife morons on both sides of the aisle have to go to totally fuck up our inherent rights as iterated in the Constitution of the United States before enough of us wake the fuck up!!??
We, the people, should be ashamed and embarrassed we let things go this far. So let's vote in another set of intrinsically dishonest self centered fuckwads to represent us. What we need to do is institute a form of government once again based on the Constitution and a set of laws written for and by Joe Q Public so that Joe Q Public can understand them and thereby not break laws he didn't even know existed, or were so lengthy and convoluted there is no hope of following them!
And IRS? Fuck 'em! Set a simple set of tax laws for everyone, not based on how much money you already have to hire shysters who can either find or make loopholes so you pay a tenth of what your workers pay!
And you want healthcare for everyone? Make the fucking medical professionals set prices and make them fair. As it is, nobody cares how much it costs, because the "insurance" takes care of it. And the insurance don't really care how much they end up "negotiating" to pay, because they rape us of our premiums and slam us with a huge deductibles on top of it, and come out millionaires while we defer going to the doctor out of pure financial strain. What the FUCK are we paying for if they don't have to pay when we need them? Isn't that what insurance MEANS for fuck's sake?
How much longer are we going to simply bow down before our current regime own government and allow them to continue raping us of our rights and liberty? We lay shamefully before them so they can tread on us and keep the mud from their royal slippers. At what point are there enough Americans who are finally disgusted enough to stand and say: NO MORE!
Phew!.. okay, got that off my chest, for now. You may now feel free to read the entire article:
(if you just want to see the actual poll ((from MSNBC)) read my post below)
The Atlantic Wire 
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls finds that in addition to setting new milestones for futility, Congress is also more hated than it's ever beenA full 83 percent of respondents say they disapprove of the job Congress is doing, the highest number for that questions since the poll began. (The last time it was even above 50 percent was in 2002.) You can read the full poll questions and results here.

President Obama is not doing so great either, though by comparison to Capitol Hill he looks fantastic. His approval rating is at 45 percent, just off of his all-time low of 44 that he reached in the midst of the debt ceiling crisis in 2011. With a margin of error at about 3 percent, the nation is basically split down the middle on their opinion of him and the way he's handling the economy.
Another 60 percent feel that the country is "off track," a number that's remained pretty consistent since the financial crisis began, though not as bad as it was in the doldrums of 2008, when things were at their worst.

When asked what we should do about Congress, however, people's answers are less clear. When asked whether they want the next Congress to be controlled by Republicans or Democrats, the answers were split right down the middle at 44 percent for each side. Fifty-seven percent say both that their own representative should step aside and that if they had the option on the ballot to replace every single member of Congress they would do it, another record high for both questions. Yet, when they were given a chance to make some changes in 2012, they basically passed. Just 23 House incumbents and only one Senator were defeated in the last election.

When it comes to the Supreme Court, no one is happy about them either. While on the whole, Americans are fairly split on their opinion of the Court, most liberals believe the court is too conservative, while most conservatives think the exact opposite. Either way, the justices can't win.
Finally, the poll also asked what folks think of Edward Snowden and George Zimmerman, with the majority of people having a negative opinion of both. The number of people who think race relations are "good" or "fairly good" has also dropped — especially among African-Americans — mostly likely due to the fallout of the Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin shooting case.

1 comment:

  1. A flat ten percent tax and make DAMN sure corporations pay it too. NO FUCKING LOOPHOLES!
