Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What is liberty worth?

I read a LOT. Mostly Scifi shit, some fantasy, but also biographies, the classics, supernatural fiction, religion, mysteries, hell, if its got writing, I'll probably read it. And every now and then, something jumps out at me.

The current book, or more aptly, one of the three books I'm currently reading, is about war in space, and a bunch of mercenaries (the bad guys) are attacking a group of revolutionaries (the good guys).
One of the good guys is thinking: "Their pay cannot possibly be sufficient for the odds they face, and yet they don't back down. They follow these orders to their deaths. Is that bravery, or stupidity?"
(h/t to the author, Ann Aguirre, who wrote the Sirantha Jax novels. One helluva good read.)

Anyway, this got me thinking. (Something I try to avoid as hazardous to my health). And I couldn't come up with a payment large enough for me to risk my ass. I'm a cautious man for the most part. I look both ways crossing streets, haven't stuck a fork in an electrical outlet since my Dad said "go ahead, see what happens". (I seem to recall I was 4 at the time). And I don't go out gambling. Again, too much risk.

But for America? I stand willing and able to fight to the death. If there were a group of revolutionaries willing to take back our country, yes, I'd stand with them.

It's going to happen. Americans are not the type to allow a king to rule them. NO ONE RULES A TRUE AMERICAN. When our economy drops out, and its us or them, or us and them, and them, and them, Patriots WILL stand. In small communities, family units, redoubts, in hiding. But they WILL stand. They will fight against the injustices of our current regime government. And by the grace of God and the spirit of our fore fathers, I WILL stand with them.


  1. Damn, I got goosebumps reading this one. I my friend am with you. When the time comes.....

    Let men see, let them know, a real man, who lives as he was meant to live. Marcus Aurelius

    I've faced Death three times in my life, once I even smiled at him. I'm not particularly afraid of seeing him once last time, especially in service to this great country of ours.

  2. Good to have ya back on the blogosphere! Missed yer posts. And I'm glad to know that at least ONE Patriot out there is willing to say with me: Enough is enough!
    I'm sure I'm on a list of "treason" by now, but I say Obama is the traitor. And I'm willing to say it LOUD.

  3. Good to be back, damned sinus infection has been whoopin' my ass but I'm fighting back.

    There are many traitors to this country, Barry Soetoro is but one, and not the greatest. He's just a puppet, when you find the one controlling the puppet masters hand then you have something.

    I heard a line in a movie once that I took to heart: What you do in life echoes in eternity.

    I firmly believe that.

    I also believe that when the time comes for brother to take up arms against brother again, it's going to be a terrible but necessary thing for our future generations to live as free men and women.

  4. Then let the echoes of eternity show that, when brothers mattered, we stood together.
